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The EdiGreen Air Quality Monitoring family is designed to bring high-quality life for the community, and offers consistent recurring revenue for the management of EdiGreen Cloud services to our distributors.
EdiGreen  Monitor: Smart air-quality detection system that provides quick, accurate and consistent environmental sensing data to help the community understand the surrounding air quality. EdiGreen Cloud: Secure, adaptive and customizable modular cloud architecture designed and compatible with various IoT applications that offer future expansions to trending cloud services. Big Data  Analysis: With air quality data collected and visualized on maps, charts and graphs, the big data can be analyzed and used by research facilities and communities.
Cloud: Connect to an advanced cloud network 24/7 so you can monitor data anytime and anywhere. Push Notifications: Receive immediate alerts when PM2.5, temperature and humidity levels are dangerous. Accurate :  Obtain precise real-time data at your current location instead of regional averages. Analysis: Get data across different locations to understand trends, identify pollution hot spots or observe improvements over time. AirBox data is collected, processed and analyzed in Edimax’s advanced cloud system. Check historical data across different locations to understand trends, identify pollution hot spots or observe improvements over time, sourcing up-to-date hyperlocal data from AirBoxes deployed around your city.
AirBox : Smart Air Quality Detector with PM2.5, Temperature and Humidity Sensors. Cloud : Connected to a proven, advanced cloud network 24/7 so you can check data anytime and anywhere. Push Notifications : Get immediate alerts when PM2.5, temperature and humidity levels are dangerous. Accurate : Hyperlocal real-time data at your location instead of regional averages. Analysis : Get data across different locations to understand trends, identify pollution hot spots or observe improvements over time. EdiGreen Home : 7-in-1 Multi-Sensor Indoor Air Quality Detector with PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOC, HCHO, Temperature and Humidity Sensors. Better Air Matters : Accurate monitoring of PM2.5, PM10, CO2, HCHO, TVOC, temperature and humidity,  know the air you breathe. Discover: Discover quality of indoor environment by providing air quality level  history and trend Analyze: Analyze past readings, observe the present  Alert: Alerts you when air is at health risk levels Know: At a glance, see your air quality immediately on LED display and EdiGreen Home app.
Contact Us to become an EdiGreen Authorize Partner* and Receive The Following Benefits.
  • ​One Free EdiGreen Monitor
  • 25% Off MSRP
  • Free Cloud Fee for The First Year​
*Subject to Edimax's Product Tranning and Approval 
Edimax Pro SkyManage PC, no license fee at lower total cost of ownership
About EdiGreen: HQ' ed in Taiwan, Edimax is a pioneer and expert in sensor-to-the-cloud IOT solutions. We developed the EdiGreen family of indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring solutions by working closely with government EPA & research institutions.
Unlike other "low-cost air quality sensor device" companies, EdiGreen, powered by Edimax, is primarily focused on providing government entities, communities, ISP, LEED solution providers, and commercial organizations with various types of customizable and fee-based Big Data Analysis, while significantly reducing the cost of ownership for indoor and outdoor air quality sensing devices! This strategy has indeed accelerated the deployment of EdiGreen AirBox in Taiwan, Korea and other ASEAN countries.  More Green Stories to Come!
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Edimax Computer Company
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